Contacting Mike

Personal Research Service

I have assisted thousands of researchers for more than 30 years.

Can I help you?

For free help on any aspect of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire or the Fens just email me.

Mike Petty lectures to groups from primary classes to old folks' homes International Summer Schools, and conferences. He was Librarian of the Cambridgeshire Collection for over 30 years & has daily and weekly columns in the Cambridge Evening News.


Clubs & organisations from £30
Senior Citizens, daytime £25

Conferences, charities – by arrangement
Expenses : 30p per mile return from Stretham, (12½ miles north of Cambridge)

Let down at the last moment?

Give me a call, there’s usually something ready to go!

M.J. Petty MBE, MA, ALA,
13a Reads Street, Stretham,
Ely, Cambs. CB6 3JT

phone 01353 648106



Fenland History on Fridays with Mike Petty

Fenland History on Friday with Mike Petty is not a club or society. It’s just meetings at which people with an interest in the fens come to meet with others who have an interest in the fens. It gives an opportunity to tell of discoveries and seek knowledge. They started in February 2004 and have continued weekly from October to May since then. Speakers range from academics detailing their latest research to enthusiasts giving their first public presentation. Each will have an enthusiasm they want to share with people keen to learn more about their area. Meetings are held at Ely each Friday until mid May, 10.30 to noon. All are welcome

See details of the current Fenland History on Fridays meeting schedule

Not a Club, not a Society – just meetings about our area

For details of the current meetings please email or ring 01353 648106


M.J. Petty MBE, MA, ALA, 13a Reads Street, Stretham, Ely, Cambs. CB6 3JT
phone 01353 648106 E-mail
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